terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2018

Comandos Scottybot


Run this from any channel Scottybot is in. Will delete the message and whisper to you the status of the join.


Run this from your channel to remove scottybot. There will be tears.


Run this from your channel to have the authkey whispered to you.


Run this from your channel to generate and whisper a new authkey to you. Doing this invalidates the old key.


Displays how long the streamer has been live.

!set broadcasts on/off
Mods and Above

Enable and Disable global admin/shutdown messages if you find them to chatty.

Everyone/Mods and Above

Shows current channel rating, or allows you to set it to family/teen/18+


Shows the current game being played an the stream title.

!status NewStreamTitle
Mods and Above

Allows you to set your stream title from inside your chat.

!setgame NewGameName
Mods and Above

Queries Mixer if the game you asked for exists, and if it does sets to that. It is a best effort, if it dosn't work double check your game name. Example: "Elite Dangerous" dosn't work, "Elite: Dangerous" does.

!host Channel
Mods and Above

Will host the target channel.

Mods and Above

Stops hosting in your channel


Begins the process of linking your Discord channel to your Mixer channel.


Discord commands will not run unless your accounts are linked!

Begins the process of linking your Mixer user account to your Discord user account. Run this from any channel that has Scottybot. Recommend Scottybot's Mixer Channel

!mod Add/Remove DiscordUser

Adds or Removes a Discord's user account from moderator status for Scottybot in that Discord channel.

Subscriber Settings
!set subalert on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables alerts for new subscribers.

!set subbonus [points]
Mods and Streamer

Set the amount of points awarded to new subscribers.

!set submsg [text]
Mods and Streamer

Sets the text of your sub message. Use '(_user_)' in place of subscriber name.

Message Filtering
!set neverclear on/off
Mods and Streamer

Bot will never delete a message under any circumstances. Timing out will still function. 
This is useful for overlays that break when messages are deleted.

Mods and Streamer

Will pause all non-mod and streamer chat until !resumechat is run.

Mods and Streamer

Resumes chat if !pausechat is on.

!purge [user] (also +p [user]
Mods and Streamer

Purges a viewer's mesages from chat.

!timeout [user] (also +t [user])
Mods and Streamer

Timeout a user.

!set timeout [number]
Mods and Streamer

Sets how long, in minutes, someone is timed out.

!set whisperwarn on/off
Mods and Streamer

Sets the bot to whisper to a user why it was filtered.

Mods and Streamer

Removes a timed out user.

!reg add/del [user]
Mods and Streamer

Adds or removes a user as a regular, preventing bot moderation against them.

!reg list
Mods and Streamer

Provides a link to show all the regulars in your channel.

!filter status
Mods and Streamer

Checks the current filter settings of the bot.

!filter on/off
Mods and Streamer

Will turn on or off all chat filtering.

!set gibberish on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables gibberish spam filtering. This is a "smart" filter so false positives my happen as well as false negatives.

!set links on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables filtering of links.

!set maxchars on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables maximum chat message length.

!set maxchars [number]
Mods and Streamer

Sets the maximum characters for a viewer message.

!set emoji on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables maximum Emoji's filtering.

!set maxemoji [number]
Mods and Streamer

Sets the maximum Emoji count.

!set repeat on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables filtering of repeating characters.

!set cappercent on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables filtering of too many capital letters..

!set cappercent [number]
Mods and Streamer

Sets the maximum percentage of caps a message can have before being filtered.

!set symbols on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables the max symbols in a message filter.

!set symbols [number]
Mods and Streamer

Set the max percentage of symbols a message can have before being filtered.

!badwords add [words]
Mods and Streamer

Messages with these words are auto purged. Can add more than 1 word at a time.

!badwords remove [words]
Mods and Streamer

Removes listed words from your badword list. Can remove more than 1 word at a time.

!badwords list
Mods and Streamer

Prints out a list of the badwords list.

!badwords import CHANNEL
Mods and Streamer

Imports list from another channel. For PG Streams recommend import Scottybot's list, large number of words are filtered.

!permit [user]
Mods and Streamer

Allows the user to post a link if filtering is enabled.

Ignore Users
!ignore add [user]
Mods and Streamer

Add a user to the ignore list. The bot will no longer repond to the user or give them points.

!ignore remove [user]
Mods and Streamer

Removes a user from the ignored users list.

!ignore list
Mods and Streamer

Prints out a list of all ignored users.

!ignore purgedb
Mods and Streamer

Removes all users from the ignore list.

Custom Commands
!set cooldown [number]
Mods and Streamer

Set cooldown, in seconds, to prevent spamming of commands.

!command add ![command] [message]
Mods and Streamer

Add a command and output text. Variables can be used in this command.

!command remove ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Removes the command.

!command reset ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Resets the counter for the command.

!command restrict ![command] Everyone/Mod/Owner
Mods and Streamer

Restricts a command to a certain group. Values are, in this order: Everyone, Sub, Reg, Mod and Owner

!command hide ![command] 0 - 4
Mods and Streamer

Hides/shows command on the web site. 0 (Show all) through 4 (Show nothing).

!command setcount ![command] [count]
Mods and Streamer

Manually allows you to set the command counter pulled by the (_cmdcount_) variable.


Provides a link to a list of commands.

!cmdcost add ![command] [points]
Mods and Streamer

Makes a command cost points to run.

!cmdcost remove ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Removes the points cost of the command.

!disable add ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Adds command from the disabled list.

!disable remove ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Removes a command from the disabled list.

!disable list
Mods and Streamer

Lists all disabled commands.

!cmdchain add !CMD !toadd1 !toadd2 !toadd3 etc..
Mods and Streamer

Allows you to chain several commands together so one command outputs multiple. Some variables do not work.

!cmdchain remove !CMD
Mods and Streamer

Purges the chain from the database.

Trigger Commands
!trigger list
Mods and Streamer

Provides list of Triggers and their Indexes

Mods and Streamer

Edits a chat trigger response. Get the Trigger Index from running !triggers list

Mods and Streamer

Adds a chat trigger, that when it is seen in a message will response. This is susceptible to the command cooldowns, which you can bypass by adding (_bpcd_) to the response (This will be stripped before sent to chat). Most variables work such as (_user_), (_status_) and (_game_).
When using more than one word, place a '_' when words should be next to each other, and a "*" when words do not need to be.

!trigger remove TRIGGER_INDEX
Mods and Streamer

Removes the trigger.

Chat Triggers only variable

Deletes the message that triggered this message.

Chat Triggers only variable

Times out the person that triggered this message.

Repeating Commands
!repeat delay [number]
Mods and Streamer

How long, in minutes, between each repeated command. Minimum of 10 minutes.

!repeat add ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Adds a custom command to the repeat list. Ignores command restrictions.

!repeat remove ![command]
Mods and Streamer

Removes a command from the repeat list.

!repeat list
Mods and Streamer

Provides a link to show all repeating commands.


Attempts to pull the next X number of people in the queue, use this if you want to run something other thant !queue next


Attempts to enter the command invoker into the XQueue, use this if you want to run something other than !queue enter


Returns the current XQueue position of the person who ran the command.


Is replaced by the name of the person who ran the command.


Is replaced by the current time adjusted to whatever time zone is set for the channel.


Is replaced by a random viewer in the chat.


Is replaced by the first word after the command. 
You may also add ':Default' to the end, replacing Default with a value (accepts variables as well), so if no target is provided it falls back to that.


Triggers the command to do the opposite of !set whisper. If !set whisper is on, it will not whisper the command, if is off it will whisper.


Is replaced by the current stream name. Works in commands and auto tweets.


Accepts all messages after the command.


This is replaced by how many time the command has been run.

Raw API Parser- Donators Only

This one is complicated, click HERE for details.


Gets replaced with the current game you set the channel to. Works in commands and tweets.


Gets replaced with the current Points the invoker of the command has.


Gets replaced with the current Hours watched the invoker of the command has.


When added to a command, bypasses the cooldown for that command.

Quote System
!set quotes on/off
Mods and Above

Enable or Disable the quote system.


Pulls a random quote from the quote list.


Provides a link to all available quotes for the channel.

!quote add [person] [message]
Mods and Streamer

Adds the quote, the person who said it, and then time stamps it.

!quote [ID]

Gets a quote based on ID from !quotes.

!quote remove [ID]
Mods and Streamer

Remove a quote from the !quote list.

Point System
!set points on/off
Mods and Above

Enables or disables the point system.

!set points name [name]
Mods and Above

Sets the name of your points. Ex: !pacs or !wobblers

!set points live [number]
Mods and Above

This is how many points viewers get while you're live per 15 minutes.

!set points notlive [number]
Mods and Above

This is how many points viewers get while you're offline per 15 minutes.

!set points subadditionalpoints [number]
Mods and Above

This is how many points subscribers get in addition to the regualr live/notlive.

!set points starting [number]
Mods and Above

Sets how many points a new viewer recieves.


Shows how many points you have. Point name may vary per streamer.

!top [number]
Mods and Streamer

Get the top 1-20 viewers with the most points.

!bestow viewer [number]
Mods and Above

Give the viewer that many points.

!remove viewer [number]
Mods and Above

Removes that many points from the viewer.

!giveall [points]
Mods and Above

Gives everyone in chat that many points.

Mods and Above

Purges all points from the database. Resets everyone.

XQueue System
!set queue on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables the X(Box)Queue system.

!set queue subonly on/off
Mods and Streamer

Puts the XQueue is Subscriber only mode.

!set queue cost AMOUNT
Mods and Streamer

Sets the cost for someone to enter the queue.

!queue next COUNT
Mods and Streamer

Gets the next COUNT in line, or only next 1 person if no COUNT provided

!queue list

Provides the link to the queue list.

!queue purge
Mods and Streamer

Empties the queue.

!queue enter

Enters the user into the queue. You can also make a custom command and add (_enterqueue_) to the output to do the same if you wish to not use !queue enter

!queue remove
Everyone/Mods and Above

If your not a mod, removes you from the queue. If you are a mod, you can remove yourself, or define someone else to remove.

!queue place

Whispers you your current place in the queue.

!set whitelistme on/off
Mods and Streamer

Allow whitescribers to white list themselves. Viewers added this way expire on a monthly basis.

!set whitelistcost #
Mods and Streamer

How many points it should take to allow someone to white list themselves

!whitelistme MCName
Whites Only

Added that user to the whitelist if whitelistme is enabled.

!whitelist add MixerName MCName
Mods and Streamer

Adds that viewer to the whitelist and will never expire.

!whitelist remove MixerName
Mods and Streamer

Manually remove a view from the whitelist.

Whitelist API URL - JSON - Includes Mixer User ID and Expiration date in Milliseconds.
Updates instantly.


Whitelist API URL - RAW - Only shows Minecraft name.
Updates instantly.

Recommend using Whitelister (Click Here) with this API URL

!set sublistme on/off
Mods and Streamer

Allow subscribers to white list themselves. Viewers added this way expire on a monthly basis.

!set sublistcost #
Mods and Streamer

How many points it should take to allow someone to white list themselves

!sublistme MCName
Subs Only

Added that user to the subscriber whitelist if sublistme is enabled.

!sublist add MixerName MCName
Mods and Streamer

Adds that view to the sublist and will never expire.

!sublist remove MixerName
Mods and Streamer

Manually remove a view from the sublist.

Sublist API URL - JSON - Includes Mixer User ID and Expiration date in Milliseconds.
Updates instantly.


Sublist API URL - RAW - Only shows Minecraft name.
Updates instantly.

Recommend using Whitelister (Click Here) with this API URL

Games & Raffles
!set raffle on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or Disables the raffle which includes fraffle and sraffle.

!set raffle [seconds]
Mods and Streamer

Sets how long a raffle should pause for entries, max of 10 minutes (600 seconds)

!raffle start [points]
Mods and Streamer

Starts a raffle with a cost of [points].

!fraffle start [points]
Mods and Streamer

Starts a follower online raffle with a cost of [points].

!sraffle start [points]
Mods and Streamer

Starts a sub online raffle with a cost of [points].


Enters you into a raffle.


Enters you into a follower raffle.


Enters you into a sub raffle.

!set roulette on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables the russian roulette game.

!roulette [points]

Starts a game of russian roulette or enters you if a game is already going.

!set bankheist on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables the bankheist game.

!bankheist [points]

Enters a game of bankheist with the amount you wish to wager.

!set spin on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables or disables the Spin game.

!set spin cooldown SECONDS
Mods and Streamer

Sets the cooldown for the !spin game.

!spin [points]

Enters a game of Spin.

Mods and Streamer

Picks a random person from the channel to win.

!set timezone YourTZ
Mods and Streamer

Set the bot to your timezone. Click here for a list of timezones

!set welcomemsg on/off/WhatToSay
Mods and Streamer

Turns on and off a whisper sent to a viewer on join along with what the message should say. Place (_user_) where the viewer's name should be.

!set joinannounce on/off
Mods and Streamer

Whisper to the streamer when someone joins the channel.

!set leaveannounce on/off
Mods and Streamer

Whisper to the streamer when someone leaves the channel.

!set showurltitle on/off
Mods and Streamer

Parses a link posted by a viewer and gives you the title of the webpage in chat.

!set hostalert on/off
Mods and Streamer

Turn on or off host alerts in chat.

!set followalert on/off
Mods and Streamer

Turn on or off follower alerts in chat.

!set followmsg [message]
Mods and Streamer

Sets the follower message. (_follower_) variable will be replaced by the follower name.

Mods and Streamer

Tests the follower alert message.

!set OnlyWhenLive on/off
Mods and Streamer

Bot will only respond when the channel is online.

!set clearcommands on/off
Mods and Streamer

If enabled, will auto purge all commands run in chat to keep chat clean.

!set whisper on/off
Mods and Streamer

If enabled, the bot will whisper things to the viewer instead of posting it for everyone.

!set me on/off
Mods and Streamer

Sets the bot to output most text using /me which will help separate it from chat.

Mods and Streamer

Asks the bot to follow your channel. Kicking scottybot from the channel will make him unfollow.

Everyone/Mods and Streamer

If your not a mod, it will whisper you when you joined Mixer, if you are a mod, you can either run it for yourself or do !mixerage person to find out when they joined. This does not whisper.

Everyone/Mods and Streamer

Same as !mixerage, but for follow date

!tophours [count]
Mods and Streamer

Shows the top viewers by hour for your channel. Max count of 10.

!poll DurInSeconds(Optional) DESCRIPTION | OPT 1 | OPT 2 | OPT 3 | ETC
Mods and Streamer

Allows you to create a poll from within chat. (You must use the "|(pipe)" to seperate where indicated.)

!random [number] [number]
Mods and Streamer

Picks a random number between two values.

!d20 [number] [number]
Mods and Streamer

!d20 by itself will roll a d20. Otherwise it will pick a random number between the two provided values.


Tells you how many hours you have watched the current channel plus an arbitrary rank.


Gets info from Steam about the current game, including price. If used by itself grabs the current stream game, otherwise can be used to search games.

Everyone/Mods and Streamer

Gets info from the Microsoft/XBox Store about the current game, including price. If used by itself grabs the current stream game, otherwise can be used to search games.

Everyone/Mods and Streamer

Does both !steaminfo and !xboxinfo in one command.

!lastseen PERSON
Mods and Above

Obvious command is obvious. Keep in mind lurk mode make you invisible to the bot until you first speak.

!twittercfg auth

Begins the process of authenticating to Twitter. Information will be whispered, so please enable whispers while doing this.

!twittercfg deauth

Removes all twitter auth information from the database for your channel.

!twittercfg modtweet on/off

Allows Mods to tweet on your behalf. Default is off.

!twittercfg send [message]
Mods and Streamer

Send out a tweet of your choosing straight from chat.

!set livetweet on/off
Mods and Streamer

Enables the bot to automatically send a tweet when you go live.

!set livetweetmsg [message]
Mods and Streamer

Sets the auto-tweet message for when you go live. This uses the following variables: (_status_), (_game_), and (_channel_)

Donator Thanks
!8ball [message]

The magic 8 ball knows everything and will tell you the truth. Scottybot donators only.

!set chuck on/off

Enable/disable chuck norris jokes. Scottybot donators only.


Get a chuck joke. Scottybot donators only.

!set urban on/off

Sets urban dictionary on or off. Content warning. Scottybot donators only.

!urban [subject]

Will check urban dictionary for the subject. Scottybot donators only.

Subscriber Settings
!lastfm link LFMAccountName
Mods and Streamer

DONATORS ONLY - Link Scottybot to your Last.FM account using the account/login name for Last.FM

!lastfm disable
Mods and Streamer

DONATORS ONLY - Disable/Purges your Last.FM information.


DONATORS ONLY - Assuming Last.FM is linked to both your music app (such as Spotify) and Scottybot, displays the currently playing song.

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018